Wood Pellets

The tupellets brand pellet is an ENplus A1 certified product, totally natural, classified as solid biomass, which is made up of very small cylinders, 6 millimeters in diameter.

Made from dried natural sawdust, from debarked pine, without any additives, since the lignin itself that contains the sawdust is used as a binder, compressing the sawdust at high pressure to form the pellet, which makes the pellets have a very dense and hard composition. Achieving with it a great calorific power.

The main uses for Pellets are:

They can be used for heating and hot water in any home, whether it is a single-family home, a community of neighbors, a company, a hotel, a swimming pool, an industry, or any other building.

For this,  special stoves or boilers for pellets are used, which are very comfortable and easy to use, since pellets can be transported and used in the same way as any liquid fuel, but with many more comforts.  

tupellets supplies ENplus A1 certified pellets in 15 kg bags, which is the most comfortable way for users with low consumption since these bags are very manageable and anyone can empty them into the boiler or pellet stove.

In addition, we also supply Pellets in:

Big Bags,  this form is the most suitable for pellet boilers that do not allow supply with a tanker truck, since approximately 1000 Kg of pellets fit in a big bag and it is always somewhat cheaper than buying by bags.

Tank truck : It is the most economical and practical way for large consumers, since the pellet is supplied directly from the tank truck to the boiler tank, through the truck hose with pneumatic or screw discharge, so that everything is automated and it is not necessary to manually handle the pellet at any time.